“I Know I Need to Do Something, but I’m Not Sure What Will Help”
How do I get started?
Our families typically start with a private tour of our center where we will answer any questions you have about our program. Then we will schedule an assessment that allows us to see your child and develop an individualized plan. Our assessment takes 2-2 ½ hours depending on the student. The assessment includes sensory, physical & cognitive activities identifying areas that need strengthening. These tasks may include tests that measure coordination, timing, focus, reasoning, reading fluency and listening which all lead to success in focus, organization, socialization, learned behaviors and mood management.
Why Chiropractic?
The short answer, we can do our work with your child without chiropractic care but having Dr. Cooper and his expertise in cranial adjustments and Pediatric Chiropractic allows us to get our “information” to your child quicker. We often compare it to standing in the middle of a screaming crowd. It is difficult for your child to “hear” what we are trying to teach, chiropractic adjustments quiet down the crowd (your child’s nervous system). The quieter the crowd, the better your child benefits from what we are doing.
How long will my child be in your program?
Honestly, this depends on you and the goals you have for your child. We do not set time limits as every child is different. We start with 48 sessions (twice a week) and hold routine progress meetings throughout the program, so you know exactly where your child is and our expectations. You are always encouraged to make an appointment with our center directors to discuss any concerns you have along the way.
Do you diagnose?
No. Our center is a non -medical, drug free program and while our program may be drug free, it does not replace medical advice or already prescribed medications, but rather complements it. In the best cases, it can make drug therapy unnecessary.
Does my child need a diagnosis for your program?
No. While diagnoses are always informative, but we do not need them to do what we do!
Does insurance cover the program?
NeuroPower Solutions is a drug-free program that focuses on cognitive, sensory, and physical improvements that lead to a reduction in behavioral challenges and having the child will receive the world better around them. NeuroPower Solutions is not a medical program and does not provide a diagnosis, therefore health insurance will not cover our program.
"NeuroPowers looks at each child, each brain and each personality as unique, and fearfully and wonderfully makes and tailors the program accordingly."